Your Presenter
Terrance Smith
- Software Developer 8+ years
- Experience with LMS
- Experience with SCORM
- Worked on .NET Scorm Lib
Scorm Toolkit
(Coming Soon) - My Resume
- What is Scorm
- Benefits
- Scorm Content
- Scorm Integration
- Summary
- QA
The What
A Common Language
An analog example
What it looks like
"How we make the sausage"
Content Workflow
- Get Course Content and Assets
- Package into an SCO (Sharable Course Object)
- Zip up the SCO
- Upload to an LMS
- Consume
A Closer look
Why Scorm?
- Accessibility
- Modularity
- Reusability
- Interoperability
As a Course Creator
- Easy Creation with Authoring tools and Templates
- Simplified Distribution
- Make content once and use everywhere
As a Company with Training Needs
- Fast access to new courses
- Reuse of existing user data
- Works with lots of different LMS's
- Maintenance and Hosting costs are low
As a User
- Take your data with you
- Guaranteed to work on your machine
- Simple to use
On Scorm Content
Creating Content
Types of content
- Html Pages
- Flash
- Powerpoint Slides
- Word Docs
- Pdfs
- Videos
- Video Games
Scorm Authoring Tools
Buying Content
SCORM LMS Integration
"The Technical Details"
One more time
Tech Tasks Planning
- Understanding of customer's needs
- Allocate a place in LMS and on HHD to upload scorm content
- Database Storage Location decision
- (Where, what and when to track?)
- Hosting detail decisions (Bound to domain)
Decisive Strategy
- Consume Any content and display
- Consume Company Specific content and control workflow
- Consume Any content and setup control workflows
Support Resources
- Scorm Explained
- Benefits
- Creating Scorm Content
- Scorm Implementation
By Terrance Smith
- 3,158